Shanghai Yav Dhau Pab Pawg CO., Ltd

21 xyoo kev tsim khoom


  • Ntsug Ribbon Sleds

    Ntsug Ribbon Sleds

    Tov khoom uas tau muaj cov muaj suab nrov hauv cov zaub mov thiab cov tshuaj lag luam vim nws cov qauv yooj yim, ntxuav kom yooj yim, thiab ua kom tiav cov khoom siv tshem tau yooj yim. The ribbon agitator elevates the material from the bottom of the mixer and allows it to descend under the influence of gravity. Additionally, a chopper is situated on the side of the vessel to disintegrate agglomerates during the mixing process. The cleanout door on the side facilitates thorough cleaning of all areas within the mixer. Because all components of the drive unit are situated outside of the mixer, the possibility of oil leakage into the mixer is eliminated.

  • 4 Cov Hau Auger Muab Tubnt

    4 Cov Hau Auger Muab Tubnt

    Ib 4-lub taub hau Auger muab tub luam yog ahais txog kev khwv nyiaj txiagHom ntawm cov tshuab ntim siv hauv cov zaub mov, tshuaj, thiab kev lag luam siv tshuaj lomsiabyog lawmntsuas thiabsau hmoov qhuav, lossismeCov khoom lag luam cov khoom lag luam rau hauv cov thawv xws li fwj, jars. 

    Nws muaj 2 pawg ntawm kev sau ob npaug, muaj lub cev muaj zog ntawm cov khoom lag luam, thiab tag nrho cov khoom siv uas tsim nyog rau lwm cov khoom siv hauv koj kab (piv txwv li, cim npe, thiab lwm yam). Nws haum ntau ntxiv rau covdej txhawvlossis cov khoom noj tsawg, zoo li cov hmoov mis, cov hmoov albentr, cov suab thaj, cov dej qab zib, kas fes, kas fes, granular ntxiv, thiab lwm yam. 

    Tus4 taub hauAuger filling tshuabyog cov qauv sib xyaw uas siv sijhawm heev me me, tab sis cov puv ceev yog 4 zaug dua li ib lub taub hau auger, zoo heev txhim kho qhov txhaws ceev. Nws muaj ib qho kev tswj hwm zoo. Muaj 2 txoj kab khiav, txhua txoj kab muaj 2 lub taub hau uas tuaj yeem ua 2 qhov kev sau ua ywj pheej.

  • Semi-automatic lub hnab loj Auger filling tshuab TP-PF-B12

    Semi-automatic lub hnab loj Auger filling tshuab TP-PF-B12

    Lub hnab loj loj filling filling tshuab yog lub siab-precision Industrial cov cuab yeej tsim los ua kom muaj txiaj ntsig thiab cov hmoov ua kom raug rau hauv cov hnab loj. Cov cuab yeej siv no yog tsim nyog rau cov ntaub ntawv loj ntim hnab ntim ntawm 10 txog 50kg, nrog rau filling uas yog qhov hnyav, xa cov txheej txheem sau meej thiab txhim khu kev qha.



    Cov tshuab no yog ua tiav, kev daws teeb meem daws teeb meem rau koj kev sau cov kab ntau lawm.Cov ntsuas thiab ntim hmoov thiab granular. Nws muaj lub taub hau puv, lub cev muaj zog muaj zog conveyor mounte, thiab tag nrho cov khoom siv tsis txaus, thiab txhua yam khoom noj, thiab lwm yam.).).) Haus, dawb suab thaj, dextrose, kas fes, kev ua liaj ua teb ua liaj ua teb, GRANLular adixitive, thiab lwm yam.

  • Semi-au qov filling tshuab

    Semi-au qov filling tshuab

    Puas yog koj tab tom tshawb nrhiav cov hmoov ua rau ob txhais lus rau ob lub tsev neeg thiab kev lag luam? Tom qab ntawd peb muaj txhua yam koj xav tau. Mus nyeem ntxiv!

  • Semi-automatic augher filling tshuab

    Semi-automatic augher filling tshuab

    Qhov no yog ib nrab-automatic qauv ntawm Auger muab tub lim. Nws yog hom ntim khoom siv siv rau cov khoom noj hmoov lossis cov khoom siv granular. Nws ua haujlwm ib qho ntxiv conveyor kom muaj cov khoom siv kom raug lossis hnab ntim khoom noj ntau yam xws li cov khoom noj, tshuaj thiab tshuaj lom neeg.

    Ep eps auging

    · Wantical thov ntau yam

    · Kev ua haujlwm-ua haujlwm zoo

    · Sib koom tes thiab ntseeg tau

    · Hrymienic Tsim


  • Qhov no yog txheem qauv ntawm ntsia hlau conveyor (tseem hu ua auger feeder conveyor) yog hom khoom siv los thauj cov hmoov, granules, thiab cov ntaub ntawv me me. It utilizes a rotating helical screw blade to move materials along a fixed tube or trough to a desired location. Cov khoom siv no tau siv dav hauv kev lag luam xws li kev ua liaj ua teb, tshuaj noj, tshuaj kho.

  • Tib tus ntiv tes sib tov yog tsim nyog siv rau hmoov thiab hmoov, cov khoom siv me me, nws yog cov khoom siv me me los sib xyaw cov khoom tawg.

  • Cov khoom lag luam bomrows tuaj yeem pom txhua qhov chaw hauv peb lub neej, koj puas paub yuav ua li cas ntim cov khoom no mus rau hauv lub hnab? Ntxiv rau ntawm phau ntawv, Semi-automatic filling tshuab, feem ntau ntawm cov khoom ntim hnab?

  • Capping lub raj mis tshuab

    Capping lub raj mis tshuab

    Capping lub raj mis yog kev lag luam, thiab yooj yim rau kev khiav lag luam. Qhov no ntau yam nyob hauv-kab capper ua haujlwm ntau cov ntim ntawm kev ceev txog li 60 fwj ib feeb thiab muab cov kev hloov nrawm thiab yooj yim uas maximizes kev tsim khoom ntau. Lub CAP Pressing System yog maj mam tsis ua rau lub kaus mom tab sis nrog kev ua tau zoo capping kev ua tau zoo.